United Clans
When it comes to the Steppelands, everything that can be harvested must be done so with great difficulty. From raising crops in semi-frozen ground to carving tunnels through cold stone in search of metals, the people are most known for their dedication to hard work. While the people can be seen as harsh or heartless, the sheer power of a single community sharing a common goal cannot be overstated, and no self-respecting Steppelander would be caught dead taking the easy way out of any job or challenge. They are known for the ability to hunt, their skill in crafting, and the ferocity with which they use their crafted weapons.
It is said that in the beginning there were Cormac and Ailish. Considered the first two elders, it was they who showed the Orcish people how to make life from hardship; to separate the usable from the unusable. Old stories tell that Cormac was the first to pull iron from Mundus and purify it with fire. So rich was the land in this material that Cormac made tools for all of his people and others in exchange for what they could provide in return. While there is no single physical description for Cormac, he is revered as the first metalworker, the first trader, and the one who carved a place for his people out of an unforgiving land.
Ailish was said to walk the land and name everything they saw. In many ways, she created the language of the Steppes, or at least the names of its features. It was she who first made medicine, and under her watchful eye, few ever saw an early death. It was said that to attack Ailish was to strike out against Mundus itself, for she knew the land, and it knew her. Many times did invaders attempt to capture or kill Ailish, and every time they failed, most never being heard from again. Like Cormac, no agreed upon physical description has ever emerged, but may Steppesfolk believe she still lives, wandering the Steppes and finding new ways to pull life from death.
Cormac’s discovery laid the foundation for Orcish society: every permanent settlement surrounds and supports a forge. Due to this, almost every city also contains or is a close distance to a metal mine. Iron is the most common, though lead, nickel, and even the odd cobalt deposit are sufficient to keep the economy of a town thriving. Forges are often the first structure built (even before beds) as the heat or a working forge can stave off the coldest of Steppeland nights.
It should be noted that the Steppesfolk are tough, but not cruel. It is common knowledge that any citizen who is incapable of working and shows no signs of recovery will largely be ignored. While many consider this practice vulgar to the point of being barbaric, there is a reason for this. Medicine is difficult to come by in the Steppes, and trading for it is so expensive that further prohibits proper, extended medical care. Even then, those that become incapable or infirm are such a drain on scarce resources that no self-respecting Steppeland would inflict such a perceived burden on their own people. Steppesfolk know and understand this aspect of their culture and have no qualms when their time has come.